Why golf? An active player will walk more than 1,000 kilometres at a fast pace during the season and hit an average of 80-120 golf shots per round. On one 18-hole round, a player makes on average 14 000 steps and spends 1,500 kcal using a golf trolley and 2,000 kcal using a golf bag.Average heart rate on the track 104 beats per minute . According to a study in Finland, golfers have an average life expectancy of 5 years longer.

A Green Card is your “passport to the fairways” around the world.
In two days of training you just learn quite a lot. For example, what is modern golf etiquette, the rules, the principles of using equipment, how you should and should not behave on the golf course, what are the local rules, how to interact with other players during the game and finally – how to hit that white ball with the golf swing.
Even if you’re not sure golf is for you, come and try it out!
Two active days in Otepää Nature Park are a great way to spend your time!
Green Gard courses take place every weekend throughout the season – Saturday and Sunday.
Find a package below, find a time that suits you, and bring a friend and family!

2 days initial training
30 days playing right
2 days initial training
4 group training sessions
30 days playing right
2 days initial training
season playing right
4 group training sessions
– Green Card course
– playing rights, 30 days
– use of equipment, 30 days
– 1 basket of exercise balls per day
– play session with mentor, 9 tracks
–Green Card course
– playing rights, 30 days
– use of equipment, 30 days
– 1 basket of exercise balls per day
– play session with mentor, 9 tracks
– 4 group training sessions (children 6-12 years old participate in children’s sessions).
– Green Card course
– playing time, season
– use of equipment, 30 days
– 1 basket of exercise balls per day, 30 days
– play session with mentor, 9 tracks
– 4 group training sessions
adult 125 €
junior (13-21 years) 105 €
child (6-12 years) 85€
adult 179 €
junior (13-21 years) 160 €
child (6-12 years) 129€
adult 649 € (549 € for OGCC club members)
Junior (13-19 years) 509 € (459 € for OGCC club members)
child (6-12 years) – plays for free
Possibility to pay by monthly instalments.
2 days initial training
2 x 9-holes tickets to the golf course
– Green Card beginners lessons, 2 days
– use of equipment and practice balls during the course
NB! The product is only suitable for a beginner who starts golfing with a personal mentor registered at the Otepää Golf Course.
adult 105 € (club member 95 € )
2 days basic training for 2 + 2 (+1) families
30 days playing right
4 group training sessions
–Green Card beginners, 2 days
– use of equipment during the course
– 30 days playing right
– use of equipment, within 30 days
– 1 basket of range balls per day for 30 days
– 2 rounds of golf with a mentor, 9 holes
– Candidate membership (with HCPI)
– 4 group training sessions
2 adults and 2 juniors (6-18 years) 549 € (489 € for club members)
2 adults and 3 Juniors (6-18 years) 589 € (500 € for club members).
2 days initial training
unlimited playing rights for the whole season
4 group training sessions
INCLUSIVE New Spalding Executive golf equipment
– Green Card beginners, 2 days
– Spalding Executive personal golf equipment set*
– season playing right
– use of equipment if necessary, within 30 days
– 1 basket of range balls per day for 30 days
– 2 rounds of golf with a mentor, 9 holes
– 4 group training sessions
– series of 9-hole novice competitions, excluding finals
* equipment availability may change during the season, includes Spalding Executive or equivalent other brand men’s / women’s beginner golf set for right or left handed golfers.
adult 1050 € (club member 950 €) | SPECIAL PACKAGE 2-LE 1995,-
Possibility to pay in instalments.
* BOONUS – 30 days to sign up for the Beginner Season Programme as part of an already paid Green Card package.
If you’re not sure if you want to come to a course right away, but are curious – come to a demo first.
The Golf Demo is a short introduction, lasting 2.5h, during which the participant will get a preliminary knowledge of the nature of the game of golf and what it entails (general rules and etiquette, equipment and hitting techniques).
During the golf demo, you will get your hands white and your spirits high, as it is an outdoor activity in the beautiful golf centre in Otepää Nature Park.
The price depends on the size of the group:
up to 7 people fixed fee of 290€
8-14 people 40 €/per person
15-20 people 36 €/per person
21 or more 33 € per person
Price includes VAT 22%