Players responsibilities
On the practice areas (including the range) the practitioner is required to:
– Play according to the international R&A and USGA Rules of Golf and the local rules of Otepää Golf (see link below).
– Do not interfere co-players, e.g. stand still when a co-player takes a shot.
– Switch your mobile phone off or to silent mode while playing. Avoid phone calls that disturb other players or the pace of the game.
– Maintain the pace of play. The time allowed for play is indicated on the greenfee ticket or scorecard. A group playing in the correct pace is entitled to a 5-minute break after the completion of the ninth hole at the caddiemaster/clubhouse.
– If possible, let the group playing faster than you overtake your group, regardless of how many members are in the group behind. The obligation to let the group behind you pass is if you are behind the pace of the course and/or if the group in front of you is more than one hole behind. The group behind never has the right to demand to be overtaken, it is up to the group in front to decide if, when and how to let the group behind pass. Three- and four-player groups generally have priority on the course.
– In the event of a non-resolvable conflict situation, call in a Marshall, by agreement, to resolve the situation. Marshall’s decision is final and binding for all players. In the absence of a Marshall, the caddiemaster or a Golf Centre staff member delegated by him has the right of decision.
– When reaching the fairway, position the golf club in such a way that, after the putt is completed, the shortest route to the next tee is possible, but the golf club must not be positioned on the fairway or the foreground fairway;
Immediately leave the course at the end of the course and complete the scorecard in the next teeing area; Complaints about other players, Marshall or other persons on the course may be made.
submit to the Golf Centre’s Management Board in writing by e-mail to
– It is the responsibility of each player to inform the Golf Centre or the caddiemaster of any damage to the Golf Centre’s property or the course, any failure to repair divots, any breach of the playing conditions .
Rules for using a golf car:
(1) No more than 2 adults may be on the golf cart at any one time as this will cause irreversible damage to the vehicle battery.
(2) No person shall be permitted to stand on the rear golf bag compartment of a golf cart because to do so may cause the balance of the vehicle to shift and may result in an accident, injury to the vehicle and its occupants, and the like;
(3) Driving a golf car is permitted from the age of 14. A person under 14 years of age is not allowed to drive a golf car, even if sitting next to an adult. We hereby inform all violators of this rule that the insurance does not cover accidents caused by a younger person driving and that the customer who has rented a golf car is 100% liable for the consequences of the incident, both to the owner of the property and to any third party.
– Do not disturb or interfere with the practice of other visitors.
– Pitch and Put practice area use only personal game balls and do not use driving range practice balls.
– Be careful and follow all safety rules.
– Repair the turf when practising on the grass tees Only players with a maximum HCPI of 36 are allowed to use the grass tee.
– Rehabilitate the exercise bunkers after training.
– Avoid possible damage to grass (divots) in the immediate vicinity of the exercise greens.