Have you been wondering where to hold your extremely important event?

Have you been wondering where to hold your extremely important event?
If you’re considering entrusting it to us, please note that you can also offer us a crazy challenge, because we’re used to solving the mystery of a special-concept event so that all you have to do is turn up and invite your guests.
It’s important to give us enough time to bite the bullet, because a good thing has to be carefully planned.
Our kitchen team comes from Ukraine, but we also use chefs from other countries for themed events.
Our priority when organising an event is to put together a workable schedule, find the best speakers, come up with an experience-packed programme, and deliver a event that exceeds your expectations with delicious food.
We will deal with your ideas in two phases, firstly we will ask for initial information about your wishes by e-mail and secondly we will have a conversation about the objectives and budget of the event.
Our contact restoran@otepaagolf.com
(+372) 5300 8850 the restaurant
(+372) 5623 9302 CEO